New Book Examines Corporate Climate Action
The book Corporate Climate Action, Transnational Politics, and World Order by Dr. Charlotte Hulme examines the origins and significance of the corporate climate action phenomenon.
Considering the growing climate activity and ambition of transnational corporations headquartered in Germany, India, and the United States, Corporate Climate Action, Transnational Politics, and World Order explores how and why some of the world’s largest firms adopted new climate policies and strategies during the 2010s, a decade in which the private sector increasingly appreciated climate change as not one issue among many but as one poised to shape future global trends.
While the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement was widely heralded as marking a turning point in the history of international climate diplomacy, many corporations perceived that Paris confirmed what they long had believed: that states did not have a credible plan for getting the world where it needed to go to achieve shared goals for addressing climate change. Amid a perceived leadership vacuum and growing confidence in a low-carbon transition spurred by climate-related developments, select corporations stepped up and altered their climate policies, with some even becoming global leaders on practices like clean power purchasing.
Corporate Climate Action, Transnational Politics, and World Order places corporate climate action and leadership in a wider context, arguing that transnational corporations not only have the ability but also the growing interest to influence an international security landscape defined increasingly by challenges that states, traditionally the indispensable global security actors, cannot address alone.
The book can be purchased: Corporate Climate Action, Transnational Politics, and World Order | SpringerLink
’One World Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
About the author:
Charlotte Hulme, Ph.D.
Dr. Charlotte Hulme is the Assistant Professor of International Affairs and the Deputy-Director of the Rupert H. Johnson Grand Strategy Program at the United Stated Military Academy at West Point, New York. She received her Ph.D. from Yale University in Political Science and International Affairs.
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