Increasing the Sustainability of Carbon Credits through LiDAR Technology

WholeWorks CSO Laura Asiala interviews Shweta Chandramouliswaran of 44moles on their innovative approach to reduce carbon emissions and enhance biodiversity through LiDAR technology.

As the planet warms with increasing greenhouse gases, the climate changes, which in turn causes increasingly volatile weather patterns, water patterns, and the very foundations on which human civilization is constructed. In turn, businesses are increasingly called to account for their greenhouse gas emissions in their operations, supply chain, and product use (Scopes 1, 2, and 3, respectively). While reducing or eliminating such emissions is the first order of business, offsetting remaining emissions to get to ‘Net Zero’ is also necessary.

In this context, WholeWorks CSO Laura Asiala caught up with Shweta Chandramouliswaran of 44moles for a conversation on an innovative approach that addresses both carbon credits (emission offsets) and the critical aspects of biodiversity.

Laura’s questions are in bold; Shweta’s answers follow. Full citations are listed below.

Let’s start with the basics: what exactly are carbon credits and why are they important?

Carbon sequestration projects are a key component of global efforts to mitigate climate change. The credits they produce represent a reduction or removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which can be traded in the carbon market, allowing companies to address hard-to-abate emissions.

Carbon credits are certificates that confirm the reduction or removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (1 MT CO₂e) from the atmosphere. These credits are earned through activities that capture or prevent carbon emissions, an important role in the global strategy against climate change. These credits allow organizations to balance the carbon they emit with the amount they remove from the atmosphere.

Why are trees and forests critical to the effort to sequester carbon?

Trees and forests are amazing at soaking up carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, storing it in their leaves, trunks, and the soil. This natural process helps reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. When forests are healthy, they act as carbon sinks, capturing more carbon than they release, which is key for hitting our emissions reduction targets.

Using trees and forests for carbon sequestration is a great natural solution to fight the climate crisis (Griscom et al., 2017). Without this, there's a risk they'll be cut down for timber, which leads to deforestation and makes climate change worse (Pietracci et al., 2023) in the long term.

What’s the problem with traditional carbon credits which are based on trees and forests?

Historically, trees have been measured using a stick, a measuring tape, and simple mathematics, and most people accepted that this was the best that could be done. It was accurate enough for harvesting trees, but it falls short when measuring how much carbon a tree has sequestered. And yet, most trees and forests are still measured this way. Some use satellite or aerial imagery to assist with measuring larger areas, but these methods do not account for the individual, unique ways trees can grow, as they only get a glimpse from above the canopy.

At 44moles, our LiDAR technology not only transforms the way we understand and protect our forests, but also plays a pivotal role in generating reliable carbon sequestration. Traditional methods for measuring the carbon stored in forests often rely on outdated yield tables and imprecise techniques, which can be prone to human error and lack accuracy (Brown, 2002). These old-school methods can lead to several critical issues, like over- or under-estimation of carbon sequestration, loss of credibility, and a risk of double counting. It's important to have verifiable facts and precise numbers to ensure the integrity of the environmental impact being claimed, hence our use of modern measuring devices like LiDAR.

What is LiDAR technology?

LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses a pulsed laser to measure variable distances to the target. These light pulses generate precise, three-dimensional information about forest composition and dynamics.

This is done by sending laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the light to return after hitting any object within the forest, and then analysing the data to create precise 3D models of forest structure, including tree height, canopy density, and ground surface features, allowing for accurate mapping and monitoring (Neudam et al., 2023). This data helps observe changes in vegetation, track wildlife movements, and identify areas of ecological significance (Heidenreich et al., 2024). This granular level of detail is invaluable for conservation efforts, allowing us to detect subtle changes in forest structural complexity that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Why is understanding the ‘forest structural complexity’ important?

We use structural complexity is a proxy for biodiversity, which is backed by research (Seidel et al., 2023). One of the most significant advantages of our handheld LiDAR technology is the ability to draw conclusions about forest biodiversity. By mapping out forest ecosystems in such detail, we can identify and protect critical habitats, help ensure the survival of endangered species, and maintain ecological balance through:

  • Habitat Protection: Detailed LiDAR maps allow us to pinpoint vital forest habitats that need protection. Whether it’s the nesting grounds of rare birds or the migration corridors of mammals, our technology provides the information that increases the likelihood that these areas will be protected and preserved.

  • Species Monitoring: By tracking changes in vegetation and land use within forests, we can passively monitor the health of various species and their habitats. This information is crucial for implementing effective conservation strategies.

  • Restoration Projects: LiDAR data helps in planning and executing forest restoration projects. By understanding the terrain and vegetation patterns, clients have the information that can better direct reforestation and habitat restoration projects increasing their likelihood for success.

Why is biodiversity important to these efforts?

Diversity can make forest ecosystems more resilient–and therefore able to sequester more carbon (Girardin et al., 2021). This is where our LiDAR tech and the carbon credit system intersect.

Our approach leverages the connection between forest biodiversity and carbon credits. The thing that makes our approach unique is the data-driven quantification of carbon sequestration. The high-resolution LiDAR mapping provides verifiable evidence of carbon storage, which is essential for the integrity of carbon credits. We are actively seeking accreditation and third-party verification through crediting programs that comply with the Paris Agreement’s Article 6.4 Crediting Mechanism.

In addition, projects that promote biodiversity are demonstrably more resilient and effective. They are more valuable, and in raising the value, we attract more investors and buyers for carbon sequestration, which will lead to more of the world’s forests being preserved or restored.

Supporting long-term forest projects with biodiversity co-benefits is also a smart move from a business perspective, as future regulations will likely require companies to compensate not only for their carbon emissions but also for their impact on nature.

How do you ensure the long-term viability of the carbon credit itself?

Our innovative approach is embodied in each credit. Here’s how the system works: first, forest technicians collect detailed data in a forest with handheld LiDAR scanners, providing a clear picture of its biodiversity and sequestration potential. Then the collected data is analysed to assess the health of the forest ecosystem and its carbon storage capabilities. Monitoring every 5 years ensures that growth or damage is detected quickly, allowing for timely interventions. Based on the data, our credits are generated and assessed. These credits can be sold in the carbon market, providing funding for further conservation efforts.

The high-resolution, verifiable data builds trust with investors and stakeholders, ensuring that our carbon sequestration projects are seen as credible and valuable. By providing insights into forest complexity and promoting sustainable land management practices, we contribute to long-term environmental sustainability, which is increasingly important for the world’s flora and fauna.


All imagery in this post is the property of 44moles, used with permission.

Brown, S. (2002). Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution, 116(3), 363–372.

Griscom, B. W., Adams, J., Ellis, P. W., Houghton, R. A., Lomax, G., Miteva, D. A., Schlesinger, W. H., Shoch, D., Siikamäki, J. V., Smith, P., Woodbury, P., Zganjar, C., Blackman, A., Campari, J., Conant, R. T., Delgado, C., Elias, P., Gopalakrishna, T., Hamsik, M. R., . . . Fargione, J. (2017). Natural climate solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(44), 11645–11650.

Girardin, C. a. J., Jenkins, S., Seddon, N., Allen, M., Lewis, S. L., Wheeler, C. E., Griscom, B. W., & Malhi, Y. (2021). Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet — if we act now. Nature, 593(7858), 191–194.

Heidenreich, M. G., Höwler, K., & Seidel, D. (2024). Towards an objective assessment of tree vitality: a case study based on 3D laser scanning. Trees.

Neudam, L. C., Fuchs, J. M., Mjema, E., Johannmeier, A., Ammer, C., Annighöfer, P., Paul, C., & Seidel, D. (2023). Simulation of silvicultural treatments based on real 3D forest data from mobile laser scanning point clouds. Trees, Forests and People, 11, 100372.

Pietracci, B., Bull, G., Zerriffi, H., & Kerr, S. (2023). Editorial: Forest carbon credits as a nature-based solution to climate change? Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6.

Seidel, D., & Ammer, C. (2023). Towards a causal understanding of the relationship between structural complexity, productivity, and adaptability of forests based on principles of thermodynamics. Forest Ecology and Management, 544, 121238.

About 44 Moles:
44moles was founded on a vision to apply this cutting-edge technology and methodology across diverse forests around the world, ensuring reliable and transparent data for carbon credits that, over time, support the restoration of crucial ecosystems. The data acquired from this process helps generate high-quality carbon credits that not only provide a guaranteed one tonne of sequestered carbon dioxide, but also offer a biodiversity score based on the unique stand structural complexity measurement of the forest area.

For more information about 44moles and the process of generating laser-scanned forest-based carbon credits, visit

About the author:

Shweta Chandramouliswaran

As the Business Development Manager at 44moles, Shweta combines her business acumen with a passion for environmental conservation. Whether hiking mountain trails or exploring lush forests, Shweta’s love for nature drives a strong commitment to sustainability. Her mission is to make sure that the stunning landscapes enjoyed today remain vibrant and thriving for generations to come. Shweta can be reached at


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Shweta Chandramouliswaran

As the Business Development Manager at 44moles, Shweta combines her business acumen with a passion for environmental conservation. Whether hiking mountain trails or exploring lush forests, Shweta’s love for nature drives a strong commitment to sustainability. Her mission is to make sure that the stunning landscapes enjoyed today remain vibrant and thriving for generations to come. Shweta can be reached at

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